Worker’s Compensation

Helping People Who Were Injured at Work

Each year more than 4.1 million workers suffer a serious on-the-job injury or illness, and more than 4,500 workers die in workplace accidents. When a worker suffers a injury while on-the-job, they deserve appropriate compensation for medical expenses and lost wages. In many cases the losses will go beyond medical bills and lost earnings. The on-the-job injury can actually leave an employee with a diminished capacity to work, which limits his or her ability to generate an adequate income for the foreseeable future.

workers compensation lawyer

One important factor to understand regarding workers’ compensation is that it is a “no fault” system. This means it is designed to to provide for any and all injuries that occur in the scope of employment, not just those that the employer might be responsible for causing. So, even if an employee is found to be partially at fault, that person could be eligible to recover losses. There are exceptions to the “no fault” rule, such as if an accident does involve willful misconduct or intoxication.

Given the “no fault” system, it is important that an employee explore the possibility of filing a workers’ compensation claim if he or she has suffered an injury while on the worksite, even if there is a possibility the employee had an unintentional hand in the accident. It is crucial that you understand the system because it may provide benefits to you and your family if there is an accident.

How Workplace Injuries Occur

Injuries in the workplace can occur in any setting, but they are more likely found in job settings. Injuries most frequently occur in the workplace due to:

  • Transportation accidents
  • Trips, falls and slips
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Overexertion
  • Lifting injuries
  • Toxin exposure

Dangerous Professions

No occupation is without its own set of potential dangers. However, rates of injury tend to be higher when the job involves manual labor, frequent use of transportation and use of heavy equipment. Dangerous occupations include:

  • Trucking
  • Construction
  • Farming
  • Commercial fishing
  • Oil and gas extraction.

Workers in dangerous industries are often offered a settlement payment that will fall far short of medical expenses or they will be denied benefits outright. The workers’ compensation attorneys from our law firm stand up for men and women injured in the workplace, filing a claim for damages or compensation when it is appropriate.

Filing Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

It is not uncommon to experience frustration at the lack of progress in workers’ comp benefit claims. Nor is it unusual to hit a brick wall when you are Informed that your claim has been rejected and it is now necessary to file an appeal. Working with the right workers’ compensation attorney can help you overcome the pitfalls and inefficiencies of the system. Hiring an attorney to assist in pursuit of your claim will allow you to refocus yourself on the task of recovering from your injuries and getting on with life.

Contact us to schedule an appointment with a workers’ compensation attorney in your area. Do not wait. Reach out today for a free consultation.

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